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I'm Gillian Adams and a colouring book artist the UK.
Welcome to my website where you'll find information on my colouring books and printables, plus colouring tutorials.
Having studied at art college I worked as a graphic designer for many years, and love painting, colouring and drawing, and started creating colouring books in 2016.
Click on the menu bar at the top of the page to find out more about me and my work.
Remember to take my fun quiz to find out what colour palette suits your personality.
I’m also an artist, and writer so click here to see more of my work.
Here's what people are saying about Gillian's art...

Are you feeling stressed, anxious and can’t relax? |
Are you worrying about health, work or family issues? |
Are you trying to lose weight or break bad habits? |
When you colour, your mind is totally absorbed by the activity, which can help you to relax, and reduce stress and anxiety.
It’s been called ‘colouring meditation’ and people have found it relaxing and helpful
for a number of conditions including anxiety, depression, stress, dementia, and chronic pain.

• Research on US college students in 2013 found that colouring pre-drawn patterns significantly reduced signs of stress and depression.
• A study in 2006 found that mindfulness art therapy for women with cancer, helped to reduce symptoms of physical and emotional distress.
Psychologist Carl Jung introduced the concept of colouring as a relaxation technique in the early 20th century.